Massage Services

Massage Modality Index

Massage Therapy is an art, some are born with it and others aren’t. Our therapists not only have studied the art of massage, but they have the gift to find the locations of your body which need attention.

Our Shiatsu and Sport Therapy Massages will get to address the muscles with the deep tissue method to decrease pain or injury. Of course everyone has preferences on pressure when it comes to their massage as it’s meant to heal, relax and decrease stress.


Massage Services


  • Myofascial Release – Myofascial release is focused on releasing the muscle tissue (“myo-“) and correcting imbalances in the connective tissue (“fascia”). The muscle and the connective tissue combined as a unit is called myofascia.  The myofascia is often responsible for restrictions, pain, and other imbalances within the body. Myofascial release utilizes gentle to firm pressure with time to achieve its results.  Myofascial release is also a part of many other massage modalities including; structural integration, neuromuscular therapy, deep tissue massage, soft tissue release, etc.
  • Structural Bodywork– Structural Bodywork focuses on realignment of the body for optimum efficiency. Most all structural bodywork is accomplished by affecting the fascia or myofascia. Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds the muscles, bones, organs, etc. of the body, and helps to maintain the relationship of these structures to each other in space. By finding where the fascia is shortened improperly, or is restricted, we can make corrections that will allow you to move more comfortably and with less effort.  As structures of the body move more freely, the pain felt due to the restrictions, or improper relationship of body parts subside.  Structural bodywork was brought to public attention by Dr. Ida Rolf.  Her study and teaching brought about Structural Integration which is realignment of the body within the field of gravity.  While sometimes we are working to realign the full body within gravity, other times my clients just want to work on one problem area, such as a troublesome shoulder.  When we are more focused like this, the work is more properly called structural bodywork, and not structural integration.
  • Structural Integration – Structural Integration is similar to structural bodywork in the goal of realigning the body, but is more specifically trying to optimize the body in the field of gravity.  It also is not focused on correcting “problems” or symptoms, but rather is working to improve the system as a whole unit.  Structural Integration typically also has a specific sequence of sessions called a series, with the most typical series consisting of 12 unique sessions.  Each session has a set of goals that works toward improving the whole system, and each session builds upon the work achieved in the previous session(s). 

    • Structural Integration (SI) is a process of aligning the body within the field of gravity via soft tissue manipulation. Proper alignment gives us natural (easy) lift, better posture, and better movement with less effort and more ease. In reality SI also works toward the goal of better (body) system optimization. In this case, optimization means that the full system (and not one particular part) works and functions better.Since this work is done in relationship with gravity, the body can move better and easier within gravity. This can be seen by how little effort it takes a well organized body to do basic activities such as standing, walking, and running.As mentioned, the body re-alignment comes via manipulating and reorganizing the soft tissue of the body.  The major soft tissue we are changing is called fascia.  Fascia is one type of connective tissue in the body that is intimately a part of our structure and also what helps define our structure.  If you have ever cut up a chicken, or watched someone else, then you have seen fascia.  It is the white covering on the muscles that form into the tendons and attach to bones.  It is far more pervasive in the body, as will be described later.  Right now it is enough for you to understand that it surrounds muscles, and helps them to connect to each other and surrounding structures.  Know that fascia can shorten and thicken becoming hard like bone and restrict movement, and that soft pliable fascia allows easy movement and full strength of the body part involved.  More on this later… for now we shall move onto some underlying concepts of SI.
  • St. John NeuroMuscular Therapy – Neuromuscular therapy utilizes the principles of some neurological and physiological laws, to understand why the body comes to dysfunction.  As such, neuromuscular therapy focuses on areas of your body that lack proper blood flow (i.e. ischemia) and areas that refer pain (i.e. trigger points).

    • Neuromuscular therapy was developed out of the pain of one man, Paul St. John. After having suffered three severe injuries, dealing with intense chronic pain was more than he could handle. Having gone through the normal route of physicians, physical therapy, etc. without any relief from pain, Paul decided to do some research in the medical libraries on pain and the mechanisms of pain. Out of that research came an understanding which led to the creation of neuromuscular therapy.
  • Sinus Pressure and Headaches – Sinus pressure and headaches may be remedied by applying light pressure to the sinus areas. The facial massage is done at the start of the session, while free from oil or lotion. The focused ares of a face massage is the temples, jaw, and sinus areas, where tension and discomfort are commonly held. It is then followed by a scalp and neck massage to help alleviated headache symptoms.
  • Upledger CranioSacral Therapy – Craniosacral therapy (a.k.a. cranial sacral therapy) focuses on the cranium (i.e. skull) and the spinal column, tuning both to create a more balanced nervous system.  Dr. Upledger discovered during a surgery that the membrane surrounding the spinal column moved.  Looking into this unknown phenomena, Dr. Upledger found that the fluid in the spinal column (and its three membranes), pulses and has its own circulation.  Continuing his research, he found that there were ways to subtley manipulate the movement of the fluid, and use that in a therapeutic manner.  Craniosacral therapy is known for being gentle and relaxing.
  • Deep Tissue Massage – There are many overlapping muscles around the neck, back and shoulders which may be in need of special attention.  A 90 minute deep tissue session allows adequate time to slowly and gradually apply greater pressure to those injured or stressed areas, alleviating painful symptoms. There is a confusion in the massage community (and public) regarding deep tissue massage.  Deep tissue massage is massage directed at the deeper layers/muscles in the body (such as psoas, multifidi, rotatores, obterator internus, etc.).  Heavy pressure massage is massage that uses a lot of force to work into the body.  Many people think that they are the same, but there is a distinct difference.  One can do deep tissue work with light pressure or force, if the body is ready to recieve that kind of work.  In this way, the deep structures can be released without any negative consequences (usually inflammation).  While heavy pressue massage can get to the deeper structures by brute force, you often are irritating all the layers that you are working through.  My experience shows me that the body is like an onion in the sense that if you want to work more deeply, you need to work out the layers above it… one layer at a time.  This yeilds the best results, which are most long lasting.
  • Soft Tissue Release – Soft tissue release is a unique combination of pinning a muscle while using Active Isolated Stretching to facilitate the release of the contracted muscle.  This is similar to the pin-and-stretch technique, but it also uses the nervous system to facilitate the relaxation of the muscle being released.
  • Hot Stone Massage – A great way to relax tired muscles and aching joints is with a 90 minute Hot Stone therapy session. This massage is performed by applying Hot Stones to the body and utilizing them as massage tools, providing a deep warm pressure across the entire body. It is then followed with hand and thumb pressure once a muscles are warmed and relaxed.
  • Aromatherapy – Using essential oils as part of a massage session can provide an amazing and relaxing experience for both the client and therapist. Your choice of over fifty essential oils or a combination of oils will fill the air with natural aromas, while providing beneficial mood enhancing properties.
  • Muscle Energy Technique – Muscle energy technique uses the body’s own antagonistic muscle releasing feed-back loops (in the nervous system) to help facilitate the release a tight muscle. It combines opposing muscle contractions at specific lines of stress in the muscle, as well as specific stretching to achieve results.
  • Manual Lymph Drainage – Manual lymph drainage is focused on making the lymph system of the body more efficient, and relieving its blockages. The lymph system is responsible for uptake of waste fluids from between cells, reducing inflammation, and also plays a key role in the body’s immune system (since it acts as a storage facility for white blood cells).
  • Pin and Stretch – (a.k.a. Active Release Therapy, or ART)  Pin and stretch is a technique where the therapist will lock (i.e. pin) some soft tissue in place while lengthening (i.e. stretching) the same soft tissue.  This has the effect of reducing restrictions that are located within the tissue.  You can think of it as being similar to using a rolling pin to roll out and lengthen bread dough, though the action of pin and stretch is a bit different than that of using the rolling pin.
  • Contract Relax Stretching and Active Isolated Stretching – Both of these methods of stretching utilize the body’s nervous system to facilitate relaxation in the muscle you are trying to lengthen.  These are sometimes handy in creating release during your massage session.

Austin Massage Services

Not only is professional massage therapy wonderful for relaxation, it is also beneficial for headaches, migraines, tension, arthritis, diabetes, blood pressure issues, and more…

Massage can increase your awareness of the stress you hold in your body. Massage gives you the ability to control the stress through relaxation.