Myofascial Release Therapy, developed by John F. Barnes, PT is a gentle therapy, based on both massage work and gentle stretching designed to warm and loosen the muscles. Through trauma, poor posture or repetitive motion, restrictions can form in the fascia, causing pressure on nerves, blood vessels, muscles, joints and organs.
By applying a static, prolonged pressure to the restricted tissue, the therapist will release tension from the fibrous bands of the muscles, bones, nerves, joints. This will unblock any scar tissue or tension due to injury in the muscles and surrounding tissues. A typical Myofascial Release Therapy treatment lasts an hour, and afterward clients often rave about the total release of body tension they experience.
Sometimes Myofascial Release Therapy can be quite intense, especially in the case of muscles which are holding a great deal of tension and stress. After the session, some clients experience slight stiffness and soreness, which will usually vanish over the next few days, leaving behind a sense of well-being. Treatment is often recommended to soothe many common pain-associated conditions including:
Myofascial Release Therapy Defined
Myofascial release (MFR) therapy focuses on releasing muscular shortness and tightness. There are a number of conditions and symptoms that myofascial release therapy addresses.
Many patients seek myofascial release therapy treatment after losing flexibility or function following an injury or if experiencing ongoing back, shoulder, neck, hip or virtually pain in any area containing soft tissue.
Other conditions treated by myofascial release therapy include Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder, carpal tunnel syndrome, or possibly fibromyalgia or migraine headaches. Patient symptoms usually include:
- Tightness of the tissues that restricts motion or pulls the body out of alignment, causing individuals to favor and overuse one hip or shoulder, for example
- A sense of excessive pressure on muscles or joints that produces pain
- Pain in any part or parts of the body, including headache or back pain.
Myofascial Release Therapy Benefits
Myofascial Release Therapy can be highly beneficial for patients with and muscle-associated health issues, fibromyalgia, and back pain. For this reason, some doctors prescribe Myofascial Release Therapy in conjunction with other forms of therapy to give patients a greater range of options. Myofascial Release Therapy is frequently incorporated into pain management plans, and patients often feel positive effects after only a few sessions.