Washington State to Consider Licensing Massage Businesses

House Bill 1981 was introduced in the Washington state legislature on March 7, 2013.  The bill proposes to require that massage therapy businesses, or “establishments,” obtain establishment licenses from the Department of Health in order to operate.  The bill lists several exemptions, including exemptions for student clinics, establishments owned by licensed medical professionals, establishments which provide only chair massage, establishments owned and operated by a licensed massage practitioner who is the only practitioner working in that establishment, and establishments that are affiliated with a national massage franchise.

ABMP is opposed to the bill and has voiced its opposition in a letter to the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Laurie Jinkins, which you can read here.  The bill has not been sent to Committee, and it is in the early stages of the legislative process.  We will let you know of any developments concerning HB 1981.

About Kelly Noble

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