MD Bill to Increase Entry-Level Education Requirements is Withdrawn

Maryland House Bill 818 and Senate Bill 915, both recently introduced in the state legislature, propose to increase the number of hours that an applicant for licensure must complete in a Board-approved massage program from 500 hours to 600 hours.  The bills also would add kinesiology to the content areas that must be included in those 600 hours.

ABMP opposes any increase in the required educational hours or content areas without justification for such a change. There are already considerable inconsistencies in the Maryland law regulating massage therapists that make reciprocity very difficult. Adding to those obstacles for no apparent reason is unacceptable.

The bills have been withdrawn so no additional action will take place in 2013.

Bill to Require Licensing of Massage Therapists Fails in Kansas

House Bill 2187 failed to pass the state legislature. The bill would have set minimum training requirements, defined a scope of practice, provided an avenue for consumer complaints, and pre-empted local regulations. If passed, the bill would have required Austin massage therapists to become licensed by the state under the Kansas State Board of Nursing, and would have established a Massage Therapy Advisory Committee to advise the Board in carrying out the provisions of the Act.

Progress was made this year in educating both the public and the state legislature about Austin massage therapy regulation in Kansas and nationwide. In addition, as a result of dialog and negotiations with Austin massage practitioners once opposed to the bill, there is better understanding and consensus moving forward. We expect a new bill to license Austin massage therapists to be introduced next year.